Want Lower Doctor Bills? Stay in network
When you choose doctors, dentists and other healthcare providers who are in Aetna’s network, you get the advantage of quality and cost savings.
With your Exchange health plan, you can seek care in or out of Aetna’s network, but staying in network means your out-of-pocket costs will almost always be lower.
This is because benefits for in-network care are based on rates the providers have already negotiated with Aetna.
What about out-of-network costs?
For out-of-network care, benefits are based on Aetna’s allowed amount for a given service, which is often less than what the providers charge. You pay the difference.
Plus, in-network providers will file claims for you; out-of-network providers won’t.
Check to make sure
To make sure the doctors and facilities you use are in-network, log in to aetna.com, then click on “Find Care.”
Associates enrolled in the Traditional Choice plan can use any licensed provider since this plan does not use a network.