Exchange, Commissary Message: Shopping on Military Installations Pays Great Rewards
By bringing more exciting events and cost savings to military shoppers, the Exchange is working closer than ever with the Defense Commissary Agency to send a clear message that shopping on the military installations is incredibly valuable.
Some 55 percent of all military exchange and commissary shoppers live within 20 miles of the stores – and 90 percent live within 100 miles.
“With many of our shoppers living close to the commissary and exchange, both the Exchange and DeCA have a vested interest in increasing awareness of military retail benefits,” said Exchange President and Chief Merchandising Officer Ana Middleton. “The commissary drives traffic to the Exchanges, and in turn, the Exchanges generate dividends for Quality-of-Life programs that the military exchanges support.
“Authorized customers who shop for groceries at the commissary typically shop their Exchanges and generate critical support for these Quality-of-Life programs.”
100 percent of Exchange earnings support Quality-of-Life programs including military uniforms at cost; affordable school lunches for Warfighters’ children overseas; Child Development Centers; Youth Programs; Fitness Centers; and career opportunities for spouses, Veterans and Wounded Warriors (The Exchange has hired 1,000 Wounded Warriors since 2010—second only to the Army.)
Alert shoppers to Exchange-commissary promotions
Store managers and associates should become familiar with all promotions between their Exchanges and commissaries to alert customers of the opportunities to make their shopping trips even more valuable and convenient.
In the past, commissaries and exchanges have collaborated on case lot sales, sidewalk sales and annual healthy lifestyle events, often showcasing their merchandise side by side.
MILITARY STAR, ton of other promotions
Last year, all commissaries began accepting the MILITARY STAR card. From Oct. 3 to April 1, more than 213,000 commissary customers have used their MILITARY STAR cards to buy $82 million in groceries.
The acceptance of MILITARY STAR at the commissaries and Exchange/DeCA partnership have brought other rewards.
“We can significantly strengthen our customers’ exchange and commissary benefits by collaborating to achieve efficiencies that benefit the entire military community.”
– President and Chief Merchandising Officer Ana Middleton
During this past holiday, DeCA and the Exchange worked together on a MILITARY STAR “Your Holiday Bill is On Us” sweepstakes. In fact, the Exchange Credit Program paid off the $5,200 MILITARY STAR card account of a Soldier and commissary shopper at Fort Lee, Va., the first commissary to accept the MILITARY STAR cards
Teaming up on BE FIT
In March, the Exchange and DeCA jointly hosted Vietnam Veterans pinning ceremonies in which Vietnam Veterans were honored with commemorative lapel pins.
Exchange and DeCA also team up, along with MWR, on the Exchange’s BE FIT initiatives. The Exchange’s spokescouple, SGM Edward Bell and wife Lisa Bell, a fitness coach at Fort McNair, Va., provide videos and tips on working out, preparing healthy meals with commissary groceries, and using Quality-of-Life services to stay fit and ready to serve. They also use the Exchanges for their BE FIT needs.
Throughout April, the Exchange and DeCA will link up with promotions for the Month of the Military Child and MILITARY STAR’s “Fill your Fridge for Free” sweepstakes.
Other collaborative events set for this year include:
- Customer appreciation sidewalk sales linked to Military Appreciation Month in May;
- Healthy Lifestyle Festivals in June;
- Back-to-School sidewalk sales in August and September.
- Recognition of deployed troops and families in October.
- Veterans Day, with emphasis on the Veterans Online Shopping Benefit, in November.
- Your Holiday Bill is on Us sweepstakes
- Fit Family Month in January.
“We are all committed to do our part to provide commissary and exchange benefits,” Middleton said. “As seen by the recent success of expanded acceptance of the MILITARY STAR card at the commissary, we can significantly strengthen our customers’ exchange and commissary benefits by collaborating to achieve efficiencies that benefit the entire military community.”