Wright-Patterson Exchange Celebrates $6.4 Million Upgrade

Col. Leonard Rose, commander, 88th Mission Support Group joins, left to right, General Manager Jermaine Wilson, Store Manager Donald Basil and Central Region Vice President Ronny Rexrode slice the ribbon during grand opening ceremonies of the renovated Exchange.
Showing its commitment to making life better for Airmen, military families and retirees, the Exchange unveiled a modern shopping experience at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base during the grand reopening of its shopping center.
Col. Leonard Rose, commander, 88th Mission Support Group; Lt. Col. Renardo Brown, deputy commander, 88th Mission Support Group; Ronny Rexrode, Exchange Central Regional vice president; Jermaine Wilson, Wright-Patterson Exchange general manager; and Donald Basil, store manager, cut the ribbon on the 75,000-square-foot shopping center during a ceremony Oct. 25.
The Wright-Patterson Exchange shopping center, which is nearly 40 years old and was last remodeled in 2010, serves roughly 100,000 military shoppers within 100 miles.
“This project has been in the works for nearly a year and touched every corner of the mall,” Wilson said. “We are excited Wright-Patterson Air Force Base shoppers will finally be able to enjoy all that their improved Exchange has to offer.”

Managers and associates pose in front of their renovated store on grand opening day.
‘The best shopping experience possible’
The revamped main Exchange features an updated BE FIT center, with men’s and women’s athletic apparel and footwear from name brands like Under Armour, Nike and New Balance.
The PowerZone features a new TV wall and interactive displays. The mall Beauty Shop was also overhauled, featuring updated floors and walls with new equipment coming in mid-November.
“The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is committed to serving Warfighters, retirees and family members at Wright-Patterson by providing them the best shopping experience possible,” Wilson said. “They have done so much for us—it’s truly an honor to serve them.”
Wright-Patterson AFB provided $1.45 million toward the renovation to renovate exterior, remove the walkway canopy, replace the wood fence and more. The Exchange contributed the remaining $4.95 million from Exchange earnings.