HQ Associate Wins Safety Motto Contest–And She Never Had to ‘Compromise’

Eric Stewart, vice president of Loss Prevention, presents the prizes for the best safety motto to HQ's Stephanie Ferretti.


Eric Stewart, vice president of Loss Prevention, presents the prizes for the best safety motto to HQ’s Stephanie Ferretti.

Stephanie Ferretti’s safety motto “BEE Safety Wise—Don’t Compromise!” finished as the Exchange’s top safety slogan for 2019.

Expect to see the five words emblazoned in communications channels from the Loss Prevention Directorate to promote workplace safety anywhere at the Exchange.

The MILITARY STAR communications specialist at HQ received Nov. 20 a $100 gift card, a coin and certificate of appreciation from Vice President of Loss Prevention Eric Stewart.

Keeping safety at the forefront

Ferretti’s winning entry was picked from among 1,500 from around the world in the Loss Prevention’s annual safety motto contest.

“Many thanks for your outstanding daily contributions in keeping our associates and customers safe every day,” Stewart said. “As the busiest time of the year approaches, please continue to maintain safety at the forefront—both on and off duty.

“Exchange associates are the most valuable resource we have, and we must ensure that we take care of each other by practicing safety and eliminating hazards. This way of life truly defines ‘Family Serving Family.’”


The contest’s runners-up are:

  • Brenda Simko, Minot AFB, N.D., “BEE aware and work with care!”
  • Aaron Knapik, Fairchild AFB, Wash., “Get the Job Done, Keep Safety Number One!”
  • Donna Ryan, JB McGuire-Dix, Va., “Go to the extreme, BEE safe as a team.”
  • Jasmin Galceran, Fort Bliss, Texas, “BEEing a safety star will lower the IFR!”

Each runner-up received a $50 Exchange gift card, a Loss Prevention coin and certificate of appreciation.


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