For a BE FIT Lifestyle, Try Flexing Your Brain, Too

BE FIT Ambassador Roy Montez talks about the benefits of an active lifestyle.

BE FIT Ambassador Roy Montez talks about the benefits of an active lifestyle.

Small changes can lead to big results—especially when it comes to health and fitness. And, for BE FIT Ambassador Roy Montez, positive thinking is critical to taking those first steps.

“A strong and positive mind-set is the first step in creating a healthier lifestyle,” Montez said. “Embracing change, learning from mistakes, and giving yourself time to get used to your new normal is imperative.”

Montez shared tips for living healthfully during a Lunch and Learn on Oct. 23 at Exchange headquarters. He explained goal-setting, how an active lifestyle can help improve quality of life and the importance of targeting health from the inside out.

Montez recommends setting SMART goals to keep track of accomplishments and feel a sense of success when they are achieved. SMART stands for:

  • Specific (Significant)
  • Measurable (Meaningful)
  • Attainable (Action-Oriented)
  • Realistic (Rewarding)
  • Timely (Trackable)

The benefits of an active lifestyle are endless, Montez told the audience. People who exercise regularly reduce stress, gain confidence, boost energy, decrease anxiety and increase stamina. The key to being active regularly is finding physical activity you enjoy that fits into your current lifestyle.

 “You can’t spell benefits without BE FIT,” Montez said.

 More information about Montez and BE FIT is available on the Exchange’s community Hub.

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