COVID-19 Heroes: Exchange Shopper Treats Netzaberg Express Team Like Family

Ashley Everett hands one of her masks to Netzaberg Express Manager Ray Zumwalt.

Ashley Everett hands one of her masks to Netzaberg Express Manager Ray Zumwalt.

By SSG Taresha Hill and Chris Litch  

The Exchange team at Grafenwoehr always looks out for shoppers. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, one regular shopper went all out for Exchange associates.

Ashley Everett, a valued regular customer, donated face coverings to the Exchange associates at the Netzaberg Express. She also brought child-size face coverings for the associates with children.

Two days after her initial donation, she returned with 15 adult face coverings and 15 child-size face coverings.

“We were able to hand out several adult masks and children masks to customers that actually forgot their mask,” said Ray Zumwalt, the store manager. “This saves the customer from having to return home to retrieve their masks.”

With the donated face coverings on hand, Zumwalt said customers were grateful to continue on with their shopping.

“She has brought a ray of sunshine to this small Netzaberg community and truly makes each of us feel like part of the family,” Zumwalt said.

Europe/Southwest Asia Senior Vice President Jason Rosenberg reached out on social media to thank Everett and plans to honor her personally when the pandemic subsides.

“Ray and his team have welcomed me into the community with open arms,” Everett said in a message to Rosenberg. “I’m happy to do what I can to help them.”

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