Hill AFB Recognizes Associate: ‘Customers Feel Safe and Comfortable During Their Shopping Experience’


Team Hill Frontlines: Kylee Harryman

Editor’s Note: The “Team Hill Frontlines” series is a recurring feature from the 75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office that puts the spotlight on some of the civilian and military Airmen on the “frontlines” supporting our mission, people and families during the COVID-19 crisis.

Kylee Harryman is a customer experience associate for AAFES.  She is usually the first person you’ll see upon entering the Base Exchange. Her job is to provide great customer service on a daily basis, and to inform customers of the great deals on offer.

Her hometown is Portland, Oregon, and her hobbies include playing with her puppy and watching movies with her husband.

Kylee’s experience working on the COVID-19 frontlines:

“I’m constantly sanitizing the check-out area, and assuring we are all adhering to the six feet of social distancing guidance. In turn, customers feel safe and comfortable during their shopping experience.”

Kylee, Team Hill thanks you for your service! We appreciate you!

Donovan Potter, the 75th ABW media chief at Hill AFB, Utah, wrote this article.

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