125 Years of Family Serving Family – Angela and Lisa Comstock


For Lisa and Angela Comstock, the Exchange has always been a part of their lives. They have followed their mom’s example and have carved out their own careers at the Exchange.

One in a series honoring the Exchange’s 125 years of family serving family

 For Lisa and Angela Comstock, the Exchange has always been a part of their lives. Growing up, their mom, Jan, who worked as a Human Resources manager and retired after 33 years with the Exchange, would often enlist their help with setting up Exchange parties, playing elves at Christmastime or even running the movie theater.

Lisa and Angela have followed their mom’s example and have carved out their own careers at the Exchange. Lisa is the business systems analysis manager for store support in IT.

“I started with the Exchange 30 years ago as a student summer hire at the Stuttgart Burger King when I was a freshman in high school,” said Lisa, whose dad, Larry, spent 21 years in the Army. “I haven’t looked back, and it doesn’t feel like work to me. There is a true joy in serving Warfighters and their families.”

Angela has 27 years at the Exchange, including a three-year deployment to Afghanistan, and is an IT field support manager, overseeing the end user computer technicians in Eastern and part of Central regions as well as the HQ field support team.

“Some of my fondest memories growing up overseas were visiting the Exchange food court, which was an old school cafeteria, or riding our bikes to the ice cream shop,” Angela said. “The Exchange was the primary link to home, and now I get to play a part in that. We support those who protect our freedom, and it doesn’t get any better than that.”

Family serving family truly describes the Comstocks as six generations have served in the military—Angela’s son served in the Army. All five members of their immediate family, including sister Jennifer Inmon, has either worked for or been involved with the Exchange at some point in their lives.

“The Comstock family has an amazing bond, which is a great feeling,” Lisa said. “I think of that feeling extending to my Exchange co-workers and their families as we all serve Warfighters and their families. That’s a lot of amazing bonds interconnecting.”


  1. Donny on July 24, 2020 at 11:01 am

    Love reading these each time they come out. Growing up a “brat”, spending over 20 years serving along with two brothers and now working at the Exchange…priceless

    • Chris Ward on July 24, 2020 at 12:32 pm

      Thanks for the feedback, Donny! It’s amazing how many good stories there are to tell. Thank you for your family’s service!

  2. Sandra Gose on July 25, 2020 at 2:11 pm

    I’ve been with the Exchange for 35 years and by the time I retired it will be 37 years, even did a tour in Iraq for a year and 3 months, thank you AAFES for all those years letting me sever the Soldiers and Airmen.
    Happy 125TH Birthday AAFES.

    • Julie Mitchell on August 10, 2020 at 10:59 am

      Thank you for serving those who serve!

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