125 Years of Family Serving Family – Ron McDuffie, Fort Polk


One in a series honoring the Exchange’s 125 years of family serving family

To Ronald McDuffie, family serving family connects him to his roots planted deeply in his father’s military career. The late Henry McDuffie, a career Soldier, set a good example.

“I’ve always admired his values to strive to be the best while being good, too, and supporting my neighbors and community,” said McDuffie, general manager at Fort Polk, who served as an Army Reservist from 1987 to 1996. “I always wanted to serve an institution I had always admired—the men and women of the Armed Forces.”

Ronald McDuffie’s late father, Henry McDuffie, was a career Soldier who set a good example for his son.

In 1989, McDuffie began managing the Exchange’s Burger King at Fort Benning, the last stop on his father’s 27-year Army career that dated back to World War II.

“When I was offered a job, my wife had just given birth to twins, and I knew this was an opportunity to secure benefits,” McDuffie said. “The rest is history, as they say.”

McDuffie’s Exchange career has encompassed managing restaurants at installations in Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Germany and North Carolina. He served as a program specialist HQ in Dallas before assuming his current position at Fort Polk.

Looking back over his career, McDuffie said he wouldn’t change a thing.

“My career has given me the opportunity to meet and work with some truly great people,” McDuffie said. “The Exchange’s core value of family serving family gives me a chance to give back and support the best customers in the world.”

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To Ronald McDuffie, family serving family connects him to his roots planted deeply in his father’s military career. The late Henry McDuffie, a career Soldier, set a good example. Read more: https://wp.me/p7iUVQ-4f0.


  1. Selena Oliver Malone on September 1, 2020 at 11:38 am

    Awesome Story, Great Legacy!
    I’m a high school classmate, I have been looking for Mr McDuffie for sometime. I’m happy to know that he has done great things in his life. I know his family is so proud, as I am also. If this message reaches Mr. Ronald McDuffie, please let him know Selena Oliver from Columbus high school, wanted to to reach out and say hello.
    Fantastic Story

    • Julie Mitchell on September 3, 2020 at 9:50 pm

      Hi, Selena! How wonderful. We will share your commend with Ronald.

      • Selena Oliver on September 15, 2020 at 11:07 am

        Hi Julie,
        Thank you for sharing my comment with Ronald. If by chance, I would love to reach out to him personally, to catch up.
        I hope I am not being to forward in asking you to pass on my contact information.
        Selena Oliver- Malone
        My number is (redacted)
        Email address (redacted)

        • Julie Mitchell on September 20, 2020 at 2:14 pm

          Hi, Selena,
          I’ll pass this along to Robert.
          Thanks again,

  2. Andre Tarver on May 9, 2021 at 8:31 pm

    I’m just seeing this story. I’m been Ronnie’s next door neighbor for the majority of my child hood life.
    I shared this story with my mother who has been asking me about Ronnie as well as his sister who we call Sue Sue, please let him know we are extremely proud of him.
    Mary Taylor
    Patricia Tarver
    Andre Tarver

    • Robert Philpot on May 10, 2021 at 8:02 am

      Thanks for your comment, Andre, and thanks for supporting an Exchange associate!

  3. Ben Watson on April 6, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    Ronald and I served together as reservists. While in Basic and AIT, we were as thick as thieves. Many years have passed since I’ve last talked to him. I’ve tried to locate him but to no avail. I’m happy to see that he’s well, successful and achieving.

    Ben Watson

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