WADC Puts Technology to Use in Protecting Associates Against COVID-19, Other Threats

The Exchange’s Waco Distribution Center has recently implemented technology to keep associates safe.
One of those measures is a new thermal temperature imaging system that has been deployed in the fight against COVID-19. It is in use in Waco and currently being installed at the West Coast DC as part of a pilot program.

Waco Distribution Center Manager Preston Huddy (right) and InterCon Security Guard Jerry Holcombe review the SafePointe Thermal Temperature Imaging device that has been recently installed. It is used to detect elevated body temperatures.
The system uses camera-like devices at several entrances to measure body temperatures. As associates arrive for work, a thermal image is created that determines whether anyone has an elevated temperature.
“Thermal imaging ensures the distribution center remains a safe place to work,” said Waco Distribution Center Manager Preston Huddy. “In the COVID-19 era, the Exchange is always looking for ways to get a handle on the disease.”
Associates who have a body temperature of at least 100.4—which matches guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—are sent to the occupational health nurse, who will recheck their temperature. Anyone with a confirmed elevated temperature is sent home.
Besides thermal imaging, WADC implemented another system to protect against concealed threats. The device can detect guns, rifles and bombs on people or in bags before anyone enters the building. The device sends an alert to security if a weapon is detected within 25 to 30 feet of an entrance.
Both measures were installed to make the workplace safer and more secure.
“The Exchange is committed to protecting our associates, and these devices are among the tools that help make us safer and more efficient in preparing products for shipping to our Warfighters and their families,” Huddy said.