Exchange Heroes Recognized for Going Above and Beyond After Dallas Storm


Director/CEO Tom Shull is recognizing dozens of associates from IT, Real Estate, Merchandising and Human Resources for their around-the-clock heroic work after Winter Storm Uri severely damaged the Exchange’s headquarters in Dallas in February.

IT Senior Vice President Chad Lucas, Real Estate Senior Vice President Mike Smietana and Chief of Facilities Management Moises Pinedo led Shull and senior leaders through the headquarters north building’s first and second floors to survey the damage.

Exchange Director/CEO Tom Shull surveyed damage May 13 from February’s Winter Storm Uri at Exchange headquarters with Real Estate Senior Vice President Mike Smietana (right) and Chief of Facilities Management Moises Pinedo. Shull has been honoring dozens of associates for their roles in saving the headquarters building after the worst storm in Dallas in 100 years.

Extraordinarily cold temperatures the week of Feb. 14 caused pipes to burst in the north building, leading to catastrophic flooding on the second and first floors. Nearly 170,000 square feet of space in IT; Merchandising; HR; FA; and SF-D was severely damaged during the worst storm Dallas had seen in 100 years.

Teammates in IT and Real Estate modeled the Exchange’s family serving family and courage to use good judgment values as they heroically saved the organization’s data center and other mission-critical areas. The data center is truly the heartbeat of the organization, allowing the Exchange to serve Warfighters and families across the world. As flooding poured in, teams from IT and RE swept the water away from critical electrical equipment.

IT’s Cody Van Haaften and Garth Clayton and RE’s Sean Asuncion, John Seay and George Brown were among those who acted selflessly to save the building.

“We were just minutes away from having major parts of the business shut down,” Shull said. “These teammates epitomized selfless service and quickly got us back in business. IT and RE put the broader team first and all of us are deeply appreciative of what they did to keep us safe. We are so grateful.”

Flooding damaged about 1,200 workstations on the first and second floors. Associates from directorates across headquarters have assisted with volunteering to monitor contractors who cleared the affected areas.

Construction to rebuild workspace is set to begin in June and is expected to be complete this fall.

Shull praised IT and RE for their cooperation and coordination and for doing what Team Exchange does best—staying resilient no matter the conditions.

“In a way, you saved the Nation,” Shull said. “Fully appreciate what this team has done to protect the Exchange benefit for Warfighters and their families. This team met the challenge. You each have a sense of duty, a passion and love for those who serve.”


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