See the Photos! Exchanges Celebrate Air Force Birthday, Truck Driver Appreciation Week, Hispanic Heritage Month

2021 Air Force Birthday__MacDill AFB 6

Fort Gordon honors Exchange truck driver Randy Samuel during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. Pictured: Military Clothing Associate Charlene Myers, Class Six Associate Brenda Myer, Exchange truck driver Randy Samuel, Class Six Associate Antoinette Fenner and MCS Associate Willie Robinson.

Exchanges worldwide celebrated the 47th birthday of the U.S. Air Force on Sept. 18, thanking Airmen for their service. They also celebrated National Truck Driver Appreciation Week from Sept. 12 through 18, expressing their gratitude to Exchange drivers and commercial carriers.

Click here for a photo album to see how Exchanges across the globe honored Airmen.

Click here for a photo album to see how Exchanges worldwide showed their thanks to truckers.

Exchanges are also celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month, which continues through Oct. 15. Click here for a photo album of Exchange celebrations.

Have photos from how your store marked these events? Please send high-res versions as email attachments to or for inclusion in the Flickr albums.

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