Poland Team Continues to Bring Taste of Home to Troops at Tip of the Spear


Associates at the tip of the spear are conducting rodeos and establishing additional mobile field Exchanges (MFE) in support of U.S. troops and NATO allies in Poland.

Exchange associates conduct a rodeo in support of troops and its Allies in Poland. The rodeo brought a little taste of home to more than 170 troops supporting training exercises in Poland.

More than 30 Exchange associates have been supporting troops at four established MFE locations in Poland since mid-February, with more than two dozen rodeos supporting remote locations. The Poland Exchange team also stood up two additional MFEs to aid more than 5,000 troops supporting NATO’s Ukraine refugee efforts with five weekly rodeos, including barber support.

The rodeos, which offer a selection of personal hygiene products, snacks and drinks from a temporary location, help to bring a taste of home to troops in austere locations.

“This support helps keeps America’s Warfighters ready and resilient,” said Col. Don Nowlin, Exchange Europe/Southwest Asia region commander. “Having familiar products so far from home helps with morale, and these associates represent the best of what we do.”

Troops line up at a mobile field Exchange (MFE) supporting training exercises in Poland. The MFE is one of four that supports Poland during year-round training exercises.

The Exchange supports training exercises year-round, with the latest training exercise, Saber Strike 22, recently concluding. Saber Strike is an annual international tactical exercise held in Poland every two years. The exercise’s main focus is to train troop response to regional crises, enhance border protection and counter threats. Training events like Saber Strike 22 are planned well in advance and are not connected to current or ongoing operations.

“Taking care of the best customers in the world is what we do,” said Rick Finley, Europe contingency operations liaison. “By taking a small piece of home to these areas and seeing the smiles on their faces when they come shopping—it’s what the Exchange is all about.”

Finley said the rodeos added additional support for more remote locations and service members were happy to have them.

“They were eager to help,” Finley said about the set up for rodeos. “We couldn’t have done it without their support. The rodeos are always well-received because our troops know we are there to help.”

Marla Smith Randolph, Exchange Europe and Southwest Asia region senior vice president, said associates are managing the troop influx beautifully and praised their efforts.

“The entire team is doing a fantastic job of handling the increased volume,” said Randolph. “We are fortunate to have had Defender Europe 21 as preparation, leaning on its successes to catapult us ahead when it comes to planning and executing with such fluidity and uncertainty.”

Team Poland will continue with rodeo support and will add retail support to current operations as required to meet the needs of U.S. Forces in Poland.

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