OPERATION: Call Out—Central Region
Central Region is proud to have Sandra Stephens, Sally Green and Gloria Sullen-Jones represent our region for exceptional service, execution of standards and dedication in all they do. Their herculean efforts are what they do every day to serve our customers! We thank them and are truly proud to have them in Central Region. Thank you for a job well done!
Sandra Stephens
Services & Vending Office
Fort Polk
Sandra has been instrumental in assisting the Services & Vending office when the service business manager was out on extended leave. Always willing to assist outside the scope of her responsibilities, Sandra was eager to learn new procedures. While still doing her normal assigned duties, she stepped up to process concession payments, concession pass submissions, call in work orders for Services facilities and assist with many other duties that helped the new services tech. During this time, Sandra demonstrated the true meaning of “Family Serving Family” amid severe staff shortages. As a self-motivator, she will research how to complete tasks she is unfamiliar with to ensure she completes them efficiently and correctly. Her loyalty, eagerness to assist and vast knowledge of the daily operations make Sandra a great asset to the Fort Polk Exchange.
Sally Green
Store Associate–Cashier
Offutt Main Store
Sally is the MILITARY STAR® ambassador for Offutt Main Exchange. She goes above and beyond in achieving approved MILITARY STAR cards daily. In 2021, Sally was one of the top performers for approved MilStar cards. She ranked Top Performer for Central Region and ranked No. 10 worldwide. She increased the bottom line by $8,800 so far and her penetration rate is 14.45%. Sally is the most popular cashier with her customers. When other cashier lines are open and available for customer checkout, customers will choose to wait to go through Sally’s line. She has established long-term relationships with her customers and knows their names and the names of their family members.
Gloria Sullen-Jones
Burger King Food Service Worker
Fort Rucker
Gloria is a valuable asset to our Burger King team. As our main cashier, she has developed an outstanding reputation with our customers and the post command. Gloria motivates our team members to remain positive and serve our customers with speed, accuracy and a friendly attitude. She has earned several customer compliments regarding her caring and friendly attitude. She is not afraid to assist where needed when we are shorthanded, she contributes to the success of our drive-through daily as her desire is to ensure every customer receives the best experience with every visit. Gloria is a true representation of the Exchange core value “Family Serving Family” because to her, every customer is family.