Fort Lee Military Clothing Store Fits 101-Year-Old WWII and Korean War Veteran for Hall of Fame Induction


Front row from left: Store Manager Geraldine Brown Weatherford, Maj. (R) Anthony Grant and Shift Manager Zshocklene Dixon. Back row: Customer Experience Associate Miangel Newton, Customer Experience Associate Julius Freeman III.

Anthony Grant, a 101-year-old retired Army major who fought in World War II and the Korean War, kept his military uniform from 1963, wearing it to special events for nearly 60 years.

As Grant’s induction into the Quartermaster Hall of Fame approached, fellow Veteran Joseph Brundy, the ninth honorary sergeant major of the Quartermaster Corps, decided it was time for the retired major to upgrade.

“The uniform had started to show its age and wear,” Brundy said.

The Veterans met with Fort Lee Military Clothing Store Manager Geraldine Brown Weatherford, Shift Manager Zshocklene Dixon, Customer Experience Associate Miangel Newton, Customer Experience Associate Julius Freeman III, and Hee-Ja Yi of Stripes Alteration Shop (an Exchange concessionaire at Fort Lee) to begin the process.

After a few days, Brundy accompanied Grant back to the store to be fitted for the new uniform. “We selected everything for the uniform,” Brown Weatherford said. “He had the biggest grin on his face the entire time. He said it reminded him of his old uniform.”

Brown Weatherford cites the fitting as the best way to end her career with the Exchange.

“I retire in August and this experience was my blast going out,” Brown Weatherford said



  1. TANJA STEPHENS-GILBERT on August 12, 2022 at 3:37 pm

    AMAZING LOVE IT. This is why we are here. Way to go Fort Lee

  2. Anthony Cass on August 17, 2022 at 8:30 am

    I bet it would be fascinating to sit out on a porch on a summer afternoon with Major Grant and just listen to the things he could talk about.

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