ICYMI: Mr. Shull’s Midyear Update
September 21, 2022 |
In the spring, the Exchange set aggressive goals to further strengthen support for military communities worldwide.
Team Exchange has been exceeding expectations with these low-risk, high-value goals, which include using technology to improve customer experience at stores and restaurants, opening more quick-serve program restaurants, increasing DoorDash delivery, intensifying healthcare services, expanding the ShopMyExchange.com assortment and MILITARY STAR® acceptance, and reducing overhead expenses while increasing productivity.
Exchange Director/CEO Tom Shull provided a midyear update on these goals in an Exchange Post column earlier this month. In case you missed it, you can read his update here.
Posted in Director/CEO, Directorates/Regions, ECP, ICYMI, MD, Senior Leadership Editorials, SFD, Store Operations, Uncategorized