Exchange Earns LATINA Style Top 50 Employer Award for 15th Year in a Row


For the 15th consecutive year, the Exchange has been recognized as a top Latina employer by LATINA Style magazine.

It is the 25th anniversary of the LATINA Style 50 report, which celebrates organizations that champion training, mentorship, leadership development and promotion for Latinas.

“It’s an honor for the Exchange, once again, to make the LATINA Style 50 report,” said Executive Vice President and Chief Logistics Officer Karen Stack, the Exchange’s highest-ranking Latina. “The past and present Exchange Latinas have made critical contribution to our organization’s success. We know our future Latina associates will as well.”

The Exchange will be recognized during the LATINA Style 50 Awards Ceremony & Diversity Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C., in May 2023.

Latinas make up more than 13% of the Exchange workforce. The Exchange is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce to serve military communities around the world, including through special emphasis programs, like ¡HOLA! – Hispanic Outreach, Leadership & Awareness. ¡HOLA! puts on events throughout the year to celebrate and support Hispanic associates and the Exchange. Most recently, ¡HOLA! hosted a lunch-and-learn with South East Regional Vice President Tony Pares as part of the group’s celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.

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