Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders: The Significance of Leadership Development Programs at The Exchange

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After successfully completing the 2023 Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP), Exchange Financial Operations Manager Sedric Thomas contemplated the profound impact the program had on him.

“The program provided me with the chance to collaborate with management across different directorates,” Thomas said. “I am able to apply tools acquired from the program, enabling me to step back and encourage my team to ask questions, offering diverse perspectives in our decision-making processes.”

Thomas is one of 240 emerging leaders who recently completed one of three 2023 leadership development programs: Leadership Development Program (LDP); Executive Leadership Program Core (ELDP – Core); and the Executive Leadership Development Program Continuous (ELDP – Continuous).

The participants met in-person and via Teams in October to celebrate successes, share stories of personal growth and honor those who helped them along the way.

The LDPs prepare high-performing associates for the future and help the Exchange build the bench. The participants are selected through succession-planning tools, supervisor recommendations and performance reviews, ensuring a diverse pool of talent.

The programs ran for 15 months and have become a cornerstone in identifying and nurturing high-potential associates for advanced leadership roles.

Randy Ramirez, vice president, HR Talent, underscored the significance of these programs.

“Leadership Development designed each cycle for participants to glean knowledge from internal and external experts who provide engaging and significant insight on industry practices,” Ramirez said. “These programs foster collaborative relationships across leadership levels.”

The curricula cover an array of topics, including unconscious bias, diversity and inclusion and change management.

“During the 2022-2023 ELDP Continuous cycle, I learned new ways to elevate my leadership skills, techniques and processes to execute more effectively,” said Denise Hunter, vice president of Services, Health & Wellness and Advanced Telecom.

The ELDP Core cycle involves participants executing a project aligned with Exchange strategic priorities. This year’s topics included innovative approaches to ChatGPT, in-store experiences, e-commerce, emerging technology and optimizing the bottom line.

“The participants’ journey has been one of commitment, resilience and unwavering dedication to personal and organizational excellence,” said Lydia Morris, leadership development manager, Human Resources Talent. “I’m inspired by the strides we’ve made together, and I’m confident that our positive trajectory will continue to shape a brighter, more inclusive future for all.”

Planning for the 2024 Leadership Development Program is currently underway. Improvements to the program will include track-based learning, increased customization/personalization and a focus on bridging the gap between knowing and doing.

“Congratulations to the graduates of the 2023 Leadership Development Program,” said Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer Patrick Oldenburgh Jr. “Completing these programs showcases the resilience and growth of emerging leaders in an ever-evolving digital era, while emphasizing the importance of leadership development in shaping a brighter, more inclusive future for our organizations.”



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