OPERATION: Call Out—Europe Region

Operation: Call Out logo and art (associates at work).

Valeria McNeill, Monica Vigo and Liam P. Sweney provide outstanding hard work and dedication to our service members. Their efforts to continuously find new ways to provide that extra customer care are appreciated, and we are proud to have them on the Europe team!

Valeria McNeill
Customer Service Supervisor
KMC Exchange

Valeria embodies all essential qualities of a strong leader. She prioritizes her team by ensuring they are well-trained for their roles and provides coaching in real time. Valeria supports her team through challenges and celebrates their achievements. She actively promotes corporate initiatives such as MILITARY STAR and has the top MilStar ambassador on her team. Valeria consistently prioritizes customer satisfaction, as evidenced by a recent customer comment praising her excellent service. The KMCC values Valeria’s dedication to her team and the exceptional customers we serve.

Monica Vigo
Cash Accounting Clerk
Vicenza Main Store

As part of our Vault Team for 20 years, Monica is an invaluable source of knowledge, always performing her duties in a remarkable manner and ensuring that all cash cage tasks are taken care of with precision and ease. A MILITARY STAR ambassador for more than two years, Monica is deeply committed to promoting the program, and for FY24, has already opened 15 new accounts and helped more than 80  customers convert to MilStar as their payment choice for the Forax fuel card. She has helped her team exceed their department contest goal to convert 99 Forax fuel cards to MILITARY STAR in one month, earning a team dinner out for the department. Monica also assists at Customer Service, providing exceptional experiences with her extensive knowledge and optimistic spirit. She genuinely cares about our facility and uses her sparkling personality to help create a positive environment for customers and teammates.

Liam P. Sweney
Custodial Worker
Hainerberg Food Court

Liam Sweney has worked for the Exchange for the past two years as one of our exceptional custodial workers. Liam performs multiple tasks in our dining room such as cleaning tables, refilling the condiment stand and keeping the floors clean. Liam’s perfect attendance and his ability to communicate well make it easier for us to serve the more than 680 customers that come through our food court daily. Liam extends his customer service skills by ensuring that everyone who dines in/out of the food court has a wonderful experience every time. Because of Liam’s passion and dedication to his duty, the Wiesbaden Mall food court is currently $148,911 or 8% above in sales compared with the AFP. He is a perfect role model and a huge asset to the Wiesbaden Exchange.


  1. Gisela on September 17, 2024 at 9:51 am

    Just a little error in a message: hard
    Valeria McNeill, Monica Vigo and Liam P. Sweney provide outstanding had work and dedication to our service members. Their efforts to continuously find new ways to provide that extra customer care are appreciated, and we are proud to have them on the Europe team!

    • Robert Philpot on September 17, 2024 at 12:28 pm

      Thanks for pointing that out, Gisela! It’s been corrected and updated.

      Robert Philpot
      The Exchange Post

  2. Maria Elena Hess on September 18, 2024 at 12:22 pm

    Congratulations! Valeria McNeill as well as all the winners! We are so proud of you! Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Great job! KMCC TEAM! 😀

    • M Randolph on September 18, 2024 at 2:51 pm

      Maria, Valeria is a rockstar! Thanks for commenting.

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