LTC Vernon Jakoby

Tell Us About Morale at HQ or Your Store . . . We Want to Hear

By LTC Vernon Jakoby / December 4, 2019 /

Although completing the survey isn’t mandatory, it offers a way to be heard and have the IG bring concerns, suggestions or good news stories to top Exchange managers.  

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LTC Vernon Jakoby and his inspectors, Will Davis, Yvette Baptiste and Gabe Pierce at Kosovo's Camp Film City.

6 Big Things the Inspector General Found Out about the Exchange

By LTC Vernon Jakoby / November 13, 2018 /

Read about what is going good, what needs changing.

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Firearms counters, like this one at Fort Hood, will be part of the focus in Eastern and Central regions during this year’s inspection cycle.

Inspector General Releases 2018 Inspection Cycle

By LTC Vernon Jakoby / February 1, 2018 /

The Exchange Office of the Inspector General (IG) has completed planning for the 2018 inspection cycle. On Dec. 21, the IG received a signed inspection directive from Director/CEO Tom Shull, that provides the authority for the IG to inspect and evaluate a number of areas and programs. This calendar year begins a five-year cycle of inspections through the Exchange regions, beginning with Europe and contingency locations.

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What is Abuse at the Exchange?

By LTC Vernon Jakoby / July 1, 2017 /

Abuse is behavior that harms an employee emotionally, physically or is improper compared to behavior that is reasonable or necessary within the circumstances.

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Waste Awareness Saves Money

By LTC Vernon Jakoby / June 1, 2017 /

Government agencies have a reputation for wasteful spending. As taxpayers, we are concerned over acts of waste. As stewards of non-appropriated funds, we must all be educated on waste, which is part of the trio known as fraud, waste and abuse.

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