Operation Call Out
Central Region would like to congratulate David Erickson, Jenna Halsell and Mary Bowen for their outstanding service, dedication and herculean effort in all they do! We are proud to have them represent Central Region!
Read MoreEastern Region is always so proud to show off our associates and for January, we want to congratulate Fumiko Hyakutake, Payten Benton and Bozena Bator for being our “Call Out” associates of the month! Thank you so much for what you not only do for the Exchange every day, but most importantly what you do for our great customers EVERY DAY!
Read MoreThe hard work and dedication to our service men and women provided by Ayodhya Hakim, Douglas Clemence and Chiara Businarolo are outstanding. Their efforts to continuously find new ways to provide that extra customer care are appreciated, and we are proud to have them on the Europe team!
Read MoreThank you to all our team members for consistently going above and beyond, every day to serve the “Best Customers in the World.” This month’s PAC region Call Outs have shown through their actions is what’s important is remembering to take care of the customer. They truly took the extra time to listen, respond, act and Solve for Yes! Thank you, Yusuke Kuronuma, Yasue Terukina and Kim, Su-Chin, not only for doing the right thing, but for your dedicated service and being a great example of what “Family Serving Family” truly means. Pacific Pride!
Read MoreThe hard work and dedication to our service men and women provided by Lydia Harris, Guley Aksoz and Talal Zayadneh are outstanding. Their efforts to continuously find new ways to provide extra customer care are appreciated, and we are proud to have them on the Europe team!
Read MoreEastern Region is always so proud to show off our associates and for December we want to congratulate Kathy Cooper, Susan Hinojosa and Carmen Stubbings for being our “Call Out” associates of the month! Thank you so much for what you not only do for the Exchange every day, but most importantly what you do for our great customers EVERY DAY!
Read MoreCentral Region would like to congratulate Angela Halstead, Rachel Harriger and Amarilys Calderon for their outstanding service, dedication, and herculean effort in all they do! We are proud to have them represent Central Region!
Read MoreWestern Region recognizes Jay Ibling, Shane McColley and Jacqueline Ortiz Gutierrez for their outstanding hard work and unwavering dedication to our customers.
Read MoreThank you to all our team members for consistently going above and beyond every day to serve the “Best Customers in the World.” During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s important to take moments to reflect on what’s important, remembering to take care of the customer. Yuriko Kimira, Esperanza Merrill and Sin, Son-pom truly took the extra time to listen to the customer’s needs, respond, act and Solve for Yes! Thank you for being a great example of what “Family Serving Family” truly means. Pacific Pride!
Read MoreThe Pacific Region has selected the following associates who have shown that “Ohana Serving Ohana, or Family Serving Family” is more than just a slogan. The unwavering support displayed by Jeremy Patterson, Alma Danzy and Brian Fitzgerald is evident in all they do. They are the “best of the best” from the Pacific Region. Pacific Pride!
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