Veterans Online Shopping Benefit

In Memoria – Senator Jim Inhofe

By Tom Shull / July 11, 2024 /

Oklahoma’s longest-serving U.S. senator, Jim Inhofe passed away this week at age 89. He was a staunch advocate of the hard-earned benefits the Exchange is honored to provide service members and their families.

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Exchange to Honor Retired Gen. Gustave Perna with Quality-of-Life Force Multiplier Award

By Julie Mitchell / December 4, 2023 /

The 19th commanding general of Army Materiel Command and co-leader and chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed will be honored on the field Dec. 9 at the Army-Navy Game.

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#ThrowbackThursday: The Long Road to the Veterans Online Shopping Benefit

By Robert Philpot / November 10, 2022 /

On Veterans Day, the Exchange will mark the fifth anniversary of the Veterans online shopping benefit.
But the Nov. 11, 2017, launch was the culmination of a long journey

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At American Legion Convention, Team Exchange Spreads Word About Veterans Benefits

By Keiana Holleman / August 29, 2022 /

The Corporate Communication and Brand Marketing team traveled to The American Legion’s 103rd National Convention in Milwaukee to let more than 12,000 attendees know about Veterans shopping benefits.

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Live Update: Team Exchange Hits the Big Easy to Share Shopping Benefit Information with Veterans

By Chris Ward / August 18, 2022 /

As part of its ongoing efforts to inform Veterans of their lifelong, tax-free shopping benefits, the Exchange is in New Orleans connecting with heroes attending the American Veterans (AMVETS) 77th National Convention.

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Live Update – Team Exchange Goes to the ‘Show Me’ State to Connect with Veterans

By Chris Ward / July 19, 2022 /

This week, the Exchange is in Kansas City, Missouri, for the 123rd VFW National Convention, spreading the word to Veterans about their lifelong, tax-free benefits.

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OPERATION: Call Out—Pacific Region

By Jason Rosenberg / March 8, 2022 /

Thank you to all our team members for consistently going above and beyond every day to serve the “Best Customers in the World.” This month’s PAC region Call Outs have shown through their actions what’s important is remembering to take care of the customer. They truly took the extra time to listen, respond, take action to Make it Better and Solve for Yes!  Thank you, Israel Rivera; Sin, Chae-yon; and Chauncey Williams not only for doing the right thing, but for your dedicated service and being a great example of what “Family Serving Family” truly means. Pacific Pride!

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Exchange Branding is Front and Center at the Armed Forces Bowl

By Keiana Holleman / December 23, 2021 /

For the fifth straight year, Exchange branding scored big at the Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl, using the game’s national broadcast to increase awareness of the hard-earned benefit.

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Tune in to ESPN to See the Exchange at the Armed Forces Bowl

By Keiana Holleman / December 22, 2021 /

Two 30-second commercials will air during the game to promote the hard-earned Exchange benefit.

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Watch on Saturday! The Exchange is Back at the Army-Navy Game

By Chris Ward / December 9, 2021 /

As America celebrates the 122nd edition Army-Navy Game on Dec. 11, the Exchange will be connecting with the military community through a national commercial that will air on the CBS broadcast.

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